July 2021

Your Dollars At Work

Your gifts to the Cardiology Fund helped heart patients, along with the staff of the Cardiology department, experience the benefits of a new stress echo machine!

The new machine, located at Ascension St. John Hospital, replaces the 12-year-old machine that is beyond its life expectancy; and parts that are needed for repairs are unavailable. If the old machine had failed, it would have resulted in delayed patient care and patient dissatisfaction.

The new stress echo machine has state-of-the-art software that provides more precise imaging and measurements, ultimately resulting in better care for our patients. This machine is used in the stress lab as well as for structural heart cases and transthoracic imaging for inpatients and outpatients. Thank you for making the purchase of a new echo machine possible!
Ascension Providence Hospital now has 24 associates certified to provide car seat education and installation checks in our community!

A Safe Kids grant received through the Ascension Providence Foundation was used to train 24 associates to become Certified Passenger Safety Technicians.

In 2019, Safe Kids Oakland County and Ascension Providence Hospital's Trauma Services department (Novi and Southfield campuses) held over 100 car seat inspection events in the community. More than 100 car seats were provided to families in need.

Your community is healthier because of your support of the Community Health and Education Fund at Ascension Providence Rochester Hospital. You are making a difference!

You helped to enhance Community Wellness programs through your donations in fiscal year 2020 – thank you! Your donations purchased automatic blood pressure cuffs, scales and otoscopes. In addition, newly diagnosed diabetic patients received Diabetes Prevention Program tool kit bags (which include educational information and diabetes self-care items).

To support this fund at Ascension Providence Rochester Hospital, please click this link and select “Community Health and Education” from the drop-down menu. Thank you advance for your gift

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