October 2022

Your Dollars At Work

Presented by the Ascension Providence Rochester Foundation, Ascension Providence Foundation and the Ascension St. John Foundation

New car simulator helps keep patients safe!

A car simulator with a lift was purchased through donations to the Rehabilitation Fund at Ascension Providence Rochester Hospital. You made this possible – thank you!

The simulator is used to test a patient's ability to get in and out of a vehicle, and to practice and improve this ability safely during their rehab stay. The lift feature is adaptable and can simulate anything from a sedan to an SUV. This helps a patient practice in a scenario that matches their own vehicle as closely as possible. 

Prior to having the car simulator, patient's had to use their own car for testing and practice. Time and inclement weather made practice for the patient very difficult and usually occurred during the discharge process. Many patients were unable to exit the hospital and get in and out of a real vehicle safely. Now every patient has the option of being tested at admission, unless medically unstable.

The new simulator has been well received by both patients and staff. Patients have voiced that it is actually fun to have a “fake” car inside the hospital. The physical therapists appreciate the efficiency gained by not having to leave the unit to test patients and practice car transfers outside of the hospital.

If you would like to support initiatives at Ascension Providence Rochester Hospital, please visit this secure page (under “Designation,” select “Rehabilitation Fund”  from the drop-down menu).

Cancer patients receive superior care because of you – thank you!

Oncology nurses at Ascension Providence Hospital can now attend continuing education classes through a subscription to Nurse.com. This education is now available to the nursing staff because of your donations to the Cancer Center Education and Capital Needs Fund.

All oncology RNs must complete oncology-related continuing education (36 credit hours within three years) as a condition of our cancer program accreditation. Our nurses are thankful for their subscription because it helps them achieve their required continuing education.

If you would like to support a hospital, program or service at Ascension in southeast Michigan, please visit this secure page to make your gift today.

Core strength and stability regained for women with cancer!

Women who have cancer or are cancer survivors can attend a weekly women’s yoga class! This free class is possible because of your donations to the Van Elslander Service Support Fund at Ascension St. John Hospital. 

Women who participated in the yoga classes have bonded together as they share a similar journey. They’ve expressed how the classes have had a positive impact on their overall physical health.

This yoga class runs in tandem with the monthly support group for the women. The facilitator of the support group has seen the growth of relationships and the deep support and comfort these women provide to each other.

Many of the women have been coming to the support group for several years. The facilitator feels lucky to witness the relationships these women have built with each other. Friendships have expanded outside of the group where they provide support to each other during their ups and downs of cancer treatment and through the struggles of everyday life.

If you would like to support Ascension in southeast Michigan, please visit this secure page and make your gift today.

There's still time to give

There is still time to complete your online Spirit of Giving form. The Spirit of Giving campaign is our employee giving campaign at Ascension Providence Rochester Foundation. It provides associates a way to support our patients, fellow coworkers, programs and services.

You decide the area you wish to support and how you want to make your gift (payroll deduction, check or credit card). There are more than 60 funds in southeast Michigan in need of support. It will only take about 30 seconds of your time to complete your online form.