Areas of Support

Charitable Funds and Programs at the Ascension Genesys Foundation

Clinical Funds - Areas of Support

Service Line Funds

Gifts to service line funds provide the resources for the latest equipment, programs and services at Ascension Genesys Hospital.


  • Emergency Medicine
  • Ascension Genesys Heart Institute - Cardiology
  • Women & Children's Health
  • Neurosciences
  • Rehabilitation
  • Phillip & Fern M. Rhodes Behavioral Health Fund
  • Dale A. Thompson Oncology Fund


Medical Education Funds

Gifts to medical education funds provide resources for the training and continuing education of clinical professionals.

  • Medical Education - Greatest Need
  • Emergency Medicine Residency
  • Family Medicine Residency
  • Gastroenterology Fellowship
  • Internal Medicine Residency
  • Obstetrics/Gynecology Residency
  • Orthopedic Surgery Residency
  • Podiatry Residency
  • Surgery Residency
  • Nursing Education Fund

Community Health Funds - Areas of Support

Community Wellness Fund - Greatest Need
Gifts given to the Community Wellness fund provide resources to address the greatest needs in community health initiatives by Ascension Genesys Hospital

Parkinson's Disease Exercise Program Fund
The Parkinson's Disease Exercise Program Fund provides the financial resources to support the Parkinson's Exercise programs at the Ascension Genesys Health Club. Gifts ensure that the program remains accessible to all people with Parkinson's disease regardless of financial means.


Mission Funds - Areas of Support

Associate Hardship Fund
The Associate Hardship Fund provides support to Ascension Genesys associates who are facing personal or financial hardships.

Breast Cancer Patient Support Fund
The Breast Cancer Patient Support Fund provides support to breast cancer patients at Ascension Genesys needing hardship support, including living expenses, utilities, assistance with medical bills or prescription costs, or other circumstances that may be a barrier to treatment or recovery.

Genesys Sanctuary Garden Fund
The Genesys Sanctuary Garden Fund provides the resources for the upkeep and maintenance of the Genesys Sanctuary Garden and nature areas on the Health Park campus. Learn more about the Sanctuary Garden.

Hospice Patient & Family Support Fund
The Hospice Patient & Family Support Fund supports  in the care of hospice patients and families, including equipment, programming, educational materials, hardship assistance--utilities, phone, funeral expenses, minor home medical equipment, and educational materials.

Hospice Children's Bereavement Fund
The Hospice Children's Bereavement Fund supports and assists in the care of pediatric hospice patients and respective families.

Patient Assistance Fund
The Patient Assistance Fund provides resources to Ascension Genesys patients who are facing financial hardship while receiving or recovering from care and treatment.

Cancer Patient Support Fund
The Ascension Genesys Cancer Patient Support Fund provides financial assistance to cancer patients to ensure they do not face barriers to treatment or recovery,  including living expenses, utilities, assistance with medical bills or prescription costs, transportation costs or 

Spiritual Care Fund
The Spiritual Care Fund supports the Ascension Genesys Spiritual Care program and service needs.

Invest In the Future of Healthcare

When you make a donation, Your gift goes right to work, right in your community.